Wavelab24GHz transverter


In 2022, I acquired a "Wavelab 24GHz module" and Maarten PA0MHE's add-on pcb for the module, with a lot of parts already pre-assembled by the PCB factory. 
The remaining components were sourced from a well-known electronics parts store M.....com.



Here follow some pictures of the project "Wavelab 24GHz transverter". I always find the mechanical construction the most challenging.

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Here, trying to program the ATtiny MCU using an ArduinoISP. It failed at first, because the on-board ADF4351 PLL IC's were not yet powered thus putting too much load on the ICSP/SPI lines from the programmer. 
After completing the powersupply section (U33 +5V-RX and U52 +3V3 LDOs), and powering the board, the programming of the ATtiny was successful.

After completing assembly of the Power supply section (LDO's), during testing the functioning of the PLL chips, I found that one of the ADF4351's didn't work (produced no signal and lock-led didn't light).
Using a DMM, I measured a short to ground (should be floating) on two of the decoupling C's around the PLL Chip: C75 and C85. A close-up picture shows the culprit: A solder-blob short between two pins of the ADF4351. This came straight from the Chinese PCB-factory!

 Detail of the short-circuit on the PLL chip:

It was solved using a bit of solder-flux and solder-iron with small tip. Here's the result after re-flowing:

 One of the hardest parts to solder I think was the filter U3:

Below follow some pictures of the mechanical construction of the transverter unit, mounted directly behind the 34cm prime focus dish, in an IP67 ABS box (Schneider-Electric Thalassa series).

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I've made the mount of the dish slightly adjustable in elevation (+ and - 3 degrees offset from horizon), by including a small actuator (12V driven) and a construction with a "piano hinge".
Inside the housing I've added a small (I2C) Accelerometer/Magnetometer sensor, so a readout of the elevation (and hopefully Direction) is possible. (For that and other remote-measuring purposes like PLL-lock state, Supply voltage and Current, Rx/Tx state, a little "ESP32 Devkit board" is also added in the housing). The mounted ESP32 board is shown in the later pics below.

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Waterproofing the seam between housing and dish with a good amount of acid-free silicone caulk:
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Mast-mounting with "quick fix" Truss half-couplers (as used widely in Music/ Stage / Theatre technique):
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The entire transverter (Wavelab unit, add-on board) along with DC/DC converter, OCXO, coax-relay, ESP32, INA219, LSM303 sensors mounted on a 5mm strong aluminum baseplate and can be removed as-is from the ABS enclosure for ease of serviceing:
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Detail of the Adafruit LSM303AGR Accelerometer/Magnetometer sensor module:

Page modified by Eddy on 2024-05-17
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