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2023-11-01 12:29 CET
Category: General
Posted by: admin

The pe9ghz.org website was moved to an other hosting place, as the pricing of the former hosting company had increased more than six-fold.

2013-10-14 14:47 CEST
Category: General
Posted by: admin
Today, after long time due, the PE9GHZ website was upgraded to the latest CMSMS version.
2013-10-08 20:16 CEST
Category: General
Posted by: admin

Started a new project: Building a 10Watt (or 20Watt) SSPA (Solid State Power Amplifier) for 10GHz

CMS - 2.2.16 - Truro


Nuno has graciously supplied us with another of his great looking designs.

This one is using a new menu template so we can style the drop down for the children pages, using an image for the second ul going from the top down, it has an extra li at the bottom of the child pages ul <li class="separator once" style="list-style-type: none;">&nbsp; </li> this is used to hold the bottom image.

Filler Text

Maecenas tristique, tortor nec eleifend luctus, nibh leo imperdiet wisi, et accumsan est lectus in orci. Proin facilisis, odio auctor feugiat accumsan, sapien purus iaculis dui, a volutpat augue pede ut sem. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam suscipit elementum ipsum. Morbi urna. Nam eros justo, varius sit amet, euismod eu, dictum nec, neque. Nullam id mi eu odio tempor adipiscing. Quisque hendrerit euismod nunc. Ut erat nulla, pellentesque nec, luctus eu, dictum nec, augue. Aliquam tincidunt sodales arcu. Nam porta sagittis quam. Vivamus eget purus egestas velit congue consectetuer.

Previous page: Higher End  Next page: ShadowMenu Tab + 2 columns